The Greatiest Enmies of Mankind - pt/1

The Greatiest Enmies of Mankind

Disease-producing germs are the greatest enemies of mankind. Everyday they kill tens of thousands of people. Disease germs are the cause of colds, tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, tetanus, whooping cough, Malaria, leprosy,
bubonic plague and a multitude of other diseases.

From reading this list it will be seen that most of the deaths in the world are caused by disease germs. Disease germs are of two kinds. One kind belongs the plant kingdom and one kind to the animal kingdom. These disease germs are so very, Very small that the eye cannot see them.

Most of them are so small that when they are magnified one thousand times by a miscroscope, they appear only as large as a mustard seed.