Interspinal and Interaristal Diameters of the Pelvis - Pt/2

Interspinal and Interaristal Diameters of the Pelvis - Pt/2

The Two measurements are of use in determining if there is any contraction of the pelvis, and,ifso, of the commoner forms, which variety. Thus in a flat pelvis the difference between the intercristal,
Which is normally 1 inch, is reduced so that the interspinal is as long as intercristal.

In a generally contracted pelvis, on the other hand, the difference of 1 inch is constant, but both measurements are shorter. In both flat and generally contracted pelvis the external conjugate is difintely shortned.
In a generally contracted and flattened pelvis both measurements are shorter, the normal difference between them is less than 1 inches.


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