Little Care Given to Bodies - Pt/2

Little Care Given to Bodies - Pt/2

It is probable that the majority of the readers of this book have already reached maturity. Perhaps many already have weak bodies, and some may be afflicted with disease.
In that case it is all the more important that the readers of this article study the laws of health and learn not only how to care for the body when it is in health,
But also how to restore it to health  if it becomes diseased. The aim of this article is to give the rader information that will enable him to avoid disease and to preserve his own health and that of his family.

It gives such instruction in the treatment of common diseases as can be carried out in home by on who is not a physican. Needless to say, in every case of serious illness the help of a competent physician sould be secured, if possible; for no book can take the place of a skilled physician.