Decaying Teeth

Decaying teeth harbour germs which cause disease in many parts of the body. If one wishes to keep in good health he will keep his teeth in good condition.

Particles of food lodge along the edges of the gums in the spaces between the teeth and in the cervices of the grinding surfaces of the teeth. As soon as germs begin to grow along the edges of the gums become loosened, and expose part of the roots of the teeth. 

As the cervices between the gums and teeth enlarge. These cervices make an excellent place for the germs, and so many grow there that the services become filled with foul pus. The teeth then become so loose that they are unless and must be extracted.

The chewing of the betel nut is very harmful to the gums. The lime used with the betel nut causes the gums to retract and the teeth then become loose and eventually fall out Both betel nut and  tobacco discolour the teeth. giving the mouth a very dirty appearance.
To produce and maintain good teeth the diet should inculde milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain cerals.