More factories Use the robots

In addition to bring safer and more consistent, factory robots have another advantage—they are not living things. They never get sick or need lunch or restroom breaks. They do not need vacations or paychecks. They can work 24 hours a day without sleeping. Keeping a robot in good working order is cheaper than hiring people to do the same job. This can be both good and bad. Using robots makes it cheaper and faster to produce goods. Companies can bell their products for Iwo money, and more people can afford them. But people who are replaced by robots have to find new jobs. Fortunately, some new jobs are created by the use of robots too—jobs such as programming robots. These jobs are usually more complicated than factory work. People often need special training to do this kind of work. 

Factory Robots Factory robots are used on assembly lines, where the same parts need to be put together for each thing being made. Factories also use robots to paint weld, and move parts from one plate to another. One large car maker uses more than 16.000 robots in its factories. Today, almost every car made in the world is made with some robotic help. Safety is a major reason for robot use in factories. Doing the same thing again and again fur hours and hours is very dulL Men people do this, they become bored and tired. After a while, it is hard for them to pay attention. People start making mistakes. Sometimes they injure themselves. None of this is a problem for robots. Robots do a job exactly the same way every time. People may change how they do the job—even without realising It. Robots do exactly what they are programmed to do, so they go thnnigh exactly the same act ion5 every time. They do the work more consistently than people do. 


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